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Ethics and Responsibilities Guidelines

The Ethics and Responsibilities Guidelines contain descriptors referring to attitudes and behaviors toward the ethical and responsible use of technology. These guidelines are to be infused across the literacy with ICT continuum Big Ideas as students are involved in an inquiry.

The guidelines are as follows:

  • Students respect the privacy rights of themselves and others

    Students do not share personal information about others without permission; use consent forms; obtain permission to take photographs; set appropriate privacy settings in social media; follow school/division acceptable use policies; understand terms of service agreements used by various social media, etc.

  • Students weigh societal rights to information access against an individual’s right to privacy

    Students consider what information would be appropriate/inappropriate to share about others; differentiate between what is essential and what is non-essential to know about others; act ethically when sharing information about others; consider the purpose of the inquiry when gathering information, etc.

  • Students respect intellectual property rights of self and others

    Students acknowledge authorship of sources; respect terms of service agreements; apply copyright laws appropriately; understand and apply their own and others’ intellectual property rights, etc.

  • Students respect the rights of others to have their own perspectives

    Students recognize there are many points of view to consider; consider the opinions and ideas of others; try to understand the opinions/ideas of others, etc.

  • Students assess the potential impact of decisions and actions on self, others, and society

    Students consider the appropriateness and relevance of their questions; assess and express their findings objectively and constructively; consider the potential for infringement on privacy; think about environmental issues, etc.