Applying for student aid | Manitoba Student Aid

What about my funds?

When you should expect your funds, how much to expect and what to do if your credit history is causing you issues.

When will I receive my funds?

You will receive your funds after all your documents are submitted and verified, and your school has confirmed your enrollment. Funds cannot be released before the start of school.

You should check your online account to see updated information about:

  • what documents you need to submit
  • what documents have been verified
  • if your school confirmed your enrollment
  • when you will receive your funds

Your loan is issued in two parts:

  • Canada Student Loan is issued at the start of school
  • Manitoba Student Loan is issued at the mid-point of school
If you are receiving a grant
  • Manitoba Bursary is issued in two portions: half at the start and half at the mid-point of school.
  • Canada Student Grant for Full-time students with Dependants is issued in two portions: half at the start and half at the mid-point of school.
  • Canada Student Grant for Persons with Permanent Disabilities is issued in two portions: half at the start and half at the mid-point of school.
  • Canada Student Grant for Services and Equipment is issued multiple times throughout the year.
  • Canada Student Grant for Part-time Students is issued at the start of school.

How much will I receive?

We calculate how much you receive based on your financial need. To calculate your financial need, we use this basic formula:

Allowable Expenses – Resources = Financial Need

Allowable expenses are based on educational costs (set by your school), and standard living allowances (set by the Canada Student Financial Assistance Program).

Allowable expenses include:
  • tuition
  • mandatory fees
  • books and supplies

Your resources, and your parents', spouse or partner's resources, if applicable, are used to calculate your financial need.

Resources include:
  • previous year's income
  • scholarships and bursaries
  • parents' previous year's income, if applicable
  • spouse or partner's previous year's income, if applicable

Remember, our funding is meant to supplement, not replace, your own resources. Just because you apply for a student loan does not mean you'll get one, and not everyone gets the maximum amount.

What if I have a poor credit history?

The Canada Student Financial Assistance Program (CSFAP) will permanently eliminate the credit screening requirement for mature students applying for the first time as of August 1, 2024.