Shawane Dagosiwin: Being respectful, caring and passionate about Aboriginal research logo

Aboriginal Education Research Forum 2021

Conference Recordings

Day 1: Recordings
May 12, 2021
Event/Activities Recordings
Day 1 – Opening Prayer
KEYNOTE David Newhouse – The Promise of Indigenous Education
1A: Grandparent Sharing Session with Joe Hyslop and Wanbdi Wakita, hosted by Kathy Mallett
1B: MALS – “Who we are and what we do”
1C: Engaging Students on Campus – Perspectives from an MBA Graduate
1D: Cree Elders perspectives on developing relationships for Reconciliation
1E: First Nations Games – Rooted to Aski
Cultural Celebration
2A: Grandparent Sharing Session with Lorraine Coutu and Martha Peet, hosted by Kathy Mallett
2B: Bridging Indigenous Knowledge and Western Science in Anishinaabemowin
2C: Reconciliation and Indigenous Language Revival: Silent Speakers Waiting to Be Activated in their Heritage Language – Is it YOU
2D: Manitoba Collaborative Indigenous Education Blueprint Presentation
Day 1 – Closing Prayer
Day 2: Recordings
May 13, 2021
Event/Activities Recordings
Day 2 – Opening Prayer
KEYNOTE Dr Laara Fitznor A life Journey as a ‘Kemooch’ Shapeshifter – Policies, Indigenous leadership and hopeful changes
3A: Grandparent Sharing Session with Jimmy Hunter-Spence and Martha Jonasson, hosted by Kathy Mallett
3B: Separate, but Together – Connecting with self, community, and school through Culture during a Global Pandemic
3C: The Ethical Messiness of Insider-Research with(in) Indigenous Communities: Interrogating the relationship between researcher positionality and community in Indigenous Research
3D: Wawatay Program
Honouring Ceremony
4A: Indigenizing the Cooperative Model
4B: Six Seasons of the Asiniskow Ithiniwak – Working Through the Pandemic
4C: Using the Complexities of Rhizomes to Think About Education for Indigenous Learners
4D: UM´s Commitment to Indigenous Achievement and Reconciliation
Day 2 – Closing Prayer