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Aboriginal Education Research Forum 2022

Conference Recordings

Day 1: Recordings
May 2, 2022
Event/Activities Recordings
Day 1 – Opening Prayer
KEYNOTE Dr. Sheila Cote-Meek – Critical Reflections on Creating Meaningful Space in Post-Secondary Education
1A: Grandparent Sharing Session with Lorraine Coutu, hosted by Kathy Mallet
1B: Learning Hubs (Chief Cornell McLean , Karl Zadnik, Ruth Shead and Tamara Cardinal)
1C: Pre-Service Teachers' Attitudes and Knowledge about Indigenous Perspectives in Curriculum (Shelley Kokorudz)
1D: Impact of Student Initiated After-School Program on Student Motivation and Learning Challenges towards the Development of a Science Research Project (Alberto Mansilla)
1E: Where the 2I's Meet: Indigenous International Confluence? (Sabreena MacElheron)
1F: MALS - Aboriginal Languages Teacher Education Program (ALTEP) Research Initiative (Dr. Violet Okemaw, Dr. Lorena Fontaine and Helen Robinson – Settee)
Cultural Celebration
2A: Grandparent Sharing Session with Martha Peet, hosted by Kathy Mallett
2B: Grandparent Sharing Session with Wanbdi Wakita, hosted by Kathy Mallett
2C: Using a Storywork Approach, acknowledging the Dialectic between Worldviews: ADED365 - Negotiating meaning (Marlene Atleo and Amea Wilbur)
2D: Decolonizing Education through Authentic Stories in Middle-Years Classrooms: The Six Seasons of the Asiniskaw Ῑthiniwak (Rocky Cree) Project (Doris Wolf and Margaret Dumas)
2E: A Pragmatic Approach to implementing Indigenous Content into the Classroom (Laura Forsythe)
2F: Survey on Indigenous Teachers Manitoba 2017 Results (Alexandria Ireland)
2G: Ininwew Maytawaywina – First Nations Games (Nobert Mercredi)
Day 1 – Closing Prayer
Day 2: Recordings
May 3, 2022
Event/Activities Recordings
Day 2 – Opening Prayer
KEYNOTE Unlearning Colonialism and Renewing Kinship Relations – Dr. Dwayne Donald
3A: Grandparent Sharing Session with Stella Neff, hosted by Kathy Mallett
3B: Community led initiatives on Indigenous health and food sovereignty in time of Covid 19 (Dr. Asfia Kamal, Rose Linklater, Kayla Pennell and Krista Dumas)
3C: Indigenous Approaches to Autism in Education Through Digital Storytelling (Patty Douglas, Sheryl Peters and Tyler Huff)
3E: Nourishing Indigenous praxis through the First Nations Research Circle (Brent Debassige, Leslee White-Eye, Mary Deleary, Josh Manitowabi, Tara Hedican, Sara Spence and Lillian Woroniuk)
3F: Manitoba First Nations School System: Building a First Nations School System – Five Year Journey – Successes and Challenges (Nora Murdock)
Cultural Celebration
4A: Grandparent Sharing Session with Jimmy Hunter-Spence, hosted by Kathy Mallett
4B: Kapabamayak Achaak Healing Forest (KAHF) – Engaging with Community (Deb Radi, Ryan Epp and Val T. Vin)
4C: Horizon- ecosystem map of supports for Indigenous post-secondary students (Denise Tardiff)
4D: Paralyzing Problems and Pockets of Possibility: Observations on the meaning and potential of Indigenous Education in Manitoba schools (Marc Kuly and Rina Whitford)
4E: Indigenous Student-Led Decolonial Movements: A Case Study in Winnipeg (Dr. Jeannie Kerr, Meagan Malcolm and Karen Swan)
4F: Manitoba School Survey on Indigenous Languages Teaching Report (Alexandria Ireland & Priscila Silva)
Day 2 – Grandparents Circle & Closing Prayer