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Aboriginal Education Research Forum 2019

Greetings and Welcome

On behalf of all the staff at the Indigenous Inclusion Directorate and the Aboriginal Education Research Forum Planning Committee: Welcome, Aniin, Tansi, Boozhoo, and kakina awiya to the Elders, presenters, delegates and volunteers to the 15th annual Shawane Dagosiwin Aboriginal Education Research Forum. The focus of this year’s forum is “Indigenous Languages and Cultures Emerging through Research, Teaching, and Community Actions” in recognition of 2019 being named the International Year of Indigenous Languages by the United Nations General Assembly. This theme will guide our 2019 agenda.

It is privilege for Manitoba to continue to host this forum, made rich by the knowledge and wisdom of our Elders from Manitoba and elsewhere. Manitoba is the traditional territory of the Anishinaabe (Ojibway), Dakota, Dene, Ininew (Cree), Métis and Oji-Cree. It is our genuine hope that all participants enjoy their stay in our territory, taking in the opportunity to renew acquaintances and friendships with colleagues and friends while making some new ones as well.

Shawane Dagosiwin would like to thank the forum planning committee, whose members work diligently and collaboratively throughout the year to bring you this academic and cultural gathering. Their passionate efforts are truly appreciated. Additionally, we would like to acknowledge the hard work of our colleagues at Planners Plus Inc., the Manitoba Government, and the Victoria Inn for their significant contributions in the administration of this event.  Last but not at all least; we would like to acknowledge our gratitude to our conference volunteers and Elders for taking the time to honour us with their skills and knowledge.

Shawane Dagosiwin would not be possible without the financial and in-kind support of our esteemed sponsors. University College of the North; University of Manitoba; United Way of Winnipeg; Manitoba Métis Federation, Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Center; Seven Oaks School Division; Brandon University; University of Winnipeg; Manitoba School Boards Association and Manitoba Education and Training. We would like to sincerely thank all our sponsors who have contributed in so many ways, ensuring that Shawane Dagosiwin a success for all.

To the Creator, thank you for allowing us to gather here safely. Thank you for bringing so many passionate academics, leaders, and community members together for the positivity and growth of our communities. Thank you for opening our minds to the multitude of perspectives that exist amongst us and for sharing the many opportunities for growth found within our respective communities. We ask that you enable our thoughts to be pure so we are may create new meaning, purpose and understanding for ourselves, our families, our communities, and nations.

Helen Robinson-Settee and the Staff at the Indigenous Inclusion Directorate & the Aboriginal Education Research Forum Planning Committee..