Student Services

Annotated Descriptor for Blind/Severely Visually Impaired Level 2 (VI2)

Funding Criteria

The student’s vision is impaired to the degree that he or she requires extensive adaptations to the learning environment and specifically to print medium, including magnification for all print use. Student specific planning and support are required to participate effectively and benefit from instruction for a major portion of the school day. This may include direct instruction in Braille and Orientation and Mobility.


Student Profile

Provide concrete and concise descriptions of the most recent observations, informal and specialized assessment data (including dates, roles/titles and names) and the impact this may have on student learning related to each of the following:

  • Summarize diagnostic information from ophthalmologist/optometrist report (i.e. formal diagnosis and/or description of eye condition).
  • Indicate measure of acuity reported (e.g. 20/200, light perception only, no measurable acuity could be obtained).
  • Indicate whether the student is primarily a tactile learner or is a dual learner (both tactile and visual).
  • Report whether the student's vision is stable or is deteriorating.
  • A brief summary of vision history, including age at diagnosis, experience with and use of adaptations and functional benefit in the classroom on a day-to-day basis.

Resource Profile

  • A brief summary of the supports/adaptations the student requires to:
    • achieve curricular outcomes or individual goals
    • access the instruction provided in the classroom (e.g. CCTV, large print material, audiobooks, scribe, etc).
    • Specify the student's primary mode for reading and writing (e.g. print, large print, magnified large print or braille).
    • Indicate whether the student receives periodic direct instruction in orientation and mobility, specialized technology and/or braille.
  • Specify student-specific learning opportunities or interventions required for self-direction, daily living skills, behaviour, communication and academics. Indicate roles of support personnel and time required (e.g., clinicians, specialists, educational assistants).
  • Identify division, school and/or outside supports needed. Indicate nature of support, including amount of time, types of materials (e.g., Consultant for the Visually Impaired, respite, therapy).