Kelly Milne – Nipawi Linwarr Mashkwa Iskwew (Standing Black Bear Woman)
- Home Community:
Selkirk, Manitoba - Cultural Identity:
Métis - Current Position:
Literacy Interventions Teacher & Indigenous Education Consultant - Evergreen School Division - Education/Training:
Bachelor of Education, Post Baccalaureate Diploma in Education - Guidance Counselling, Post Baccalaureate Diploma in Education - Inclusive Education. - Roles/Responsibilities:
As an interventions teacher I support students requiring Tiers 2 and 3 support with structured literacy practices. I collaborate with our school team regularly to review data collected from assessments such as Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS), Quick Phonics Screener (QPS), and weekly progress monitoring. Students requiring support are provided one to one or small group six-week blocks of daily literacy interventions. I attend professional development every six weeks through Evergreen School Division’s Tier 3 Professional Learning Community. I also meet several times a year with Speech and Language Pathologist Britney Morrish to receive feedback supporting my journey in literacy instruction.
As an Indigenous Education Consultant for Evergreen School Division I support schools with their Mamahtawisiwin goals including bridging connections with Elders and Knowledge Keepers to develop reciprocal relationships. I coordinate their visits to land-based classes, and school gatherings to share Indigenous teachings for students and staff. I lead two children’s drum groups, a children’s beading group and co-coordinate and participate in community ceremonies and gatherings supporting truth and reconciliation. I also co-coordinate and lead Eagles group gatherings for students grades 7-12 alongside Elders to share Indigenous ways of knowing, being and doing, including drum making, connecting to Mother Earth and oral storytelling to name a few. As a Treaty Catalyst Teacher, I provide Professional Development for all division staff, and model/ co-teach treaty lessons to support competency in utilizing treaty kits.
“Follow your spirit, lead with love.”
What obstacles did you face and how did you overcome them?
I have sought out traditional and western ways of healing to support myself and my family through mental health struggles, and to support and walk alongside family members who battle addictions.
What or who inspired you to really go after the profession you are in now?
Looking back, I recognize my inspiration came from my parents who were very hardworking in their jobs and especially my mom who worked diligently to further her education. I had no idea my personal journey in ceremony and healing would lead me to the amazing career path I’m on today.
What critical choices or decisions did you make that helped you get where you are today?
Continuing my studies in university and connecting myself and my family to ceremony were both paramount in my journey.
Message of Encouragement:
Follow your spirit, lead with love.