Funding of Temporary Residents
The Government of Manitoba has an established policy that delineates which international students are fundable under the provincial formula. The full policy can be found on Manitoba Education and Training's Funding for Temporary Residents Policy page.
The International Education Branch has received inquiries about specific cases where the children of international students have sought to enrol in a school without being charged a tuition fee by the division. When faced with such a request, school divisions should be aware of the following facts:
- Study Permits are required for international students who want to study in Canada for more than six months.
- The children of international students who hold a valid Study Permit are not required to possess their own Study Permit if they wish to enrol in an educational institution. This applies only for the time that their parents’ Study Permit is valid.
- The decision whether or not to charge tuition or other related fees to the child of a Study Permit holder is at the discretion of the school or division. The only exception is refugee claimants.
If you have further questions, please contact your school division or the International Education Branch.