Remote Learning

Remote Learning Programming Opportunities

Remote learning programming creates safe, caring, and inclusive learning communities that are convenient and responsive to meet the diverse needs of Manitoba students. Students will access course materials, watch lectures, and complete assignments online or, in some cases, over the phone. The goal is to give students the flexibility they need to succeed.

InformNet and the Teacher Mediated Option provide remote learning options for students in grades 9 –12.

InformNet gives students the option to study on their schedule (asynchronous) or in scheduled online courses (synchronous). These courses will include daily instruction, assignments and evaluations from Manitoba certified teachers. InformNet offers a limited number of French Immersion courses.

The Teacher Mediated Option courses provide students with a scheduled remote learning option (synchronous). While learning from a distance, students will attend a class session each week, at the same time as their instructor and classmates. Scheduled live classes, and tutorial sessions with Manitoba certified teachers, take place on a virtual platform, either online or by phone for those without access to a robust internet connection.

To find a course or learn more about Manitoba’s Provincial Remote Learning Programming, please visit the Remote Learning MB website.