Concussion: Return to Learn and Play Banner

School Division Concussion Protocol (Template)

Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning is providing a template to assist Manitoba school divisions in adopting their concussion protocol. The School Division Concussion Protocol is intended help guide the identification and management of students who sustain a suspected concussion as a result of participation in school and school division sport, play, and other activities. The protocol outlines strategies for helping students to make a gradual return to learning and playing after a concussion has occurred.

To use this template, insert the name of your school division where indicated.

The last page of the template provides an overview of the various steps of the School Division Concussion Protocol.

The Manitoba School Division Concussion Protocol template has been adapted from the Canadian Harmonized Sport Concussion Protocol Template developed by Parachute Canada. The template aligns with the Canadian Guidelines on Concussion in Sport (Parachute Canada). A Sample School Board Concussion Policy Template is also available on the Parachute Canada Website. Finally, a Sample Internal Email to Staff Diagnosed with Concussion, as well as a Sample Concussion Awareness Checklist are also available on the Parachute Canada Website.

The various documents and tools referred to in the School Division Concussion Protocol can be downloaded from the Parachute Canada website:

Two of the useful tools from the Concussion Awareness Training Tool (CATT) available online include the following: