Safe and Caring Schools


Students contribute to a safe and caring school:

  • At times, as a student, you may witness bullying behaviours or be aware of cyber-bullying and may hesitate to get involved. You may fear the negative behaviour will be directed towards you, or you may not know what to do or where to go for help. However, you may recognize that what you are observing or experiencing is not right and needs to stop.
  • When you and your friends look out for each other, you offer a word of support, or make a confidential report, you will make a  difference in the life of another person  who is receiving hurtful, humiliating, and/or harassing behaviours.
  • Someone suffering from persistent harassment, intimidation, or humiliation either face-to-face and/or through technology may feel isolated, hopeless, helpless, and fearful. They may need support to get through this experience.
  • If bullying is happening to you or someone you know, connect with someone you trust. Talk to a parent, a teacher, a school counsellor or the school principal. Identify an adult who will help deal with the issue. It is important to know that your reports will be protected and handled confidentiality, within the limits of the law.
  • You can make a difference in your school by getting involved and voicing your commitment of the need for safe relationships and a safe school.

Some guidelines, particularly involving technology, include:

  • Use your privacy settings.
  • Identify and connect with an adult you trust, and you know will listen.
  • Talk about experiences you encounter (online or off) that leave you confused, uncomfortable or upset.
  • If you or someone you know is at risk for self-harm, has thoughts of suicide or any related danger, find an adult you trust and you know will help (parent, teacher, school counsellor, coach, school principal, youth group leader).
  • Care about and look out for others.
  • Discuss with parents what happens online.
  • Say online only what you would say in person.
  • Choose not to indirectly contribute to bullying behaviours – refuse to join in to ‘fit in’, speak up instead of remaining silent.
  • Refuse to forward hurtful messages and inappropriate jokes.
  • Ignore hurtful messages, do not  respond, block the sender and keep evidence (cyber-bullying).

There are various resource links for students. Here are some examples:

  • Youth Rights: Manitoba Ombudsman– information is designed to promote awareness and knowledge of youth rights as well as avenues through which rights concerns can be addressed.
  • Teen Talk is a Youth Health Education Program part of Klinic Community Health Centre. They focus on issues under the broad topics of sexual and mental health and link youth to resources in their community.
  • Kids Health dealing with Bullies for Children and Teens
  • Kids Help Phone is a community-based national organization that provides counselling, information, and support to young people.
  • PREVNet Promoting Relationships & Eliminating Violence Network
  • – supports young leaders to identify and dismantle barriers to positive mental health in their communities. works towards supporting all young people to understand how to take care of their onw mental health and look out for each other.
  • The Canadian Safe School Network: Resources for Youth

  • Cybertip!ca: Protecting Children Online – a tipline for reporting online child sexual abuse, exploitation committed to reducing child victimization through technology, education, public awareness through the Canadian Centre for Child Protection (C3P). Canada’s national tipline for reporting the online sexual exploitation of children.