Safe and Caring Schools

A Resource for Equity and Inclusion in Manitoba Schools (MB MYGSA)

In September 2013 amendments were made to the Manitoba Public Schools Act, which require school divisions and funded independent schools to develop and implement Respect for Human Diversity Policies as well as a number of other aspects that will help Manitoba schools become safer, more equitable, and inclusive schools for all. All public and funded independent schools are now expected to accommodate students who want to establish Gay Straight Alliances and other student groups that promote equity and challenge discrimination.

Manitoba Education in collaboration with EGALE Canada developed and published Safe and Caring Schools – A Resource for Equity and Inclusion in Manitoba Schools (MB MYGSA). This document is a valuable tool for educators, students, and parents in working together to create more equitable and inclusive schools, especially with respect to diversity of sexuality and gender identity and expression.

This document and specific sections are available for download as PDF Adobe PDF document files.

Complete Document (30.86 MB)

Safe and Caring Schools – A Resource for Equity and Inclusion in Manitoba Schools

Document Sections: