MY CHILD IN SCHOOL – Informed Parent, Involved Parent


What your child is learning

In Grade 8, your child learns to:

  • tell the difference between facts, opinions and hypothesis, between description and narration, and between relevant information and information that is unnecessary
  • participate in role-plays and group discussions and suggest solutions for problems
  • write a well organized text, research project or story showing relationships between characters
  • choose, revise, and adjust content and various levels of language, so that they are appropriate to the situation and the intended reader or listeners

To find out more about what your child is learning, talk to their teacher. You may also refer to the Language Arts Practices: Orientation Guide for information regarding the program's guiding principles and recommended practices.

How your child is assessed

Your child’s progress in Français will be reported in three areas and may address the following questions:

  • Comprehension (Reading, Listening, Viewing)
    How well does your child recognize the difference between facts, opinions and hypotheses, and identify main ideas and the writer’s point of view?
    What does your child do to help himself or herself understand?
    How well does your child explain the relationship between characters in stories, and identity features of poems?
    How well does your child discuss techniques used by media and presenters to influence?
  • Communication (Writing, Speaking, Representing)
    How well does your child collaborate on a group project, offer solutions to a problem, and write to inform using facts?
    How does your child revise, edit and improve his or her text by using different resources?
    How does your child use knowledge about French to speak and write correctly?
  • Critical Thinking
    Does your child connect what he or she is learning with previous knowledge and experiences?
    Does your child explain responses to information and ideas?
    Does your child think about or question an author’s point of view or change personal views or opinions based on views and opinions of peers or experts?

The information from each report helps you to support your child’s learning. You can use it to talk with your child and your child’s teacher about results, strengths, challenges and what your child will be doing next.

As part of the Middle Years Provincial Assessment, you will receive a report from the school on your child’s achievement in reading comprehension and writing of informational texts in French. Using information from observations, conversations and samples of your child’s work, the teacher will prepare a report at the end of January that compares your child’s performance to mid-grade provincial criteria. The report will give you an opportunity to discuss the results with your child and the teacher, and help you support your child’s learning.


Public Libary - Many French resources are available and can be delivered to the Public Library nearest you.

Idéllo - French quality educational and certified content for your children.

My learning at home - is one of the supports that you can use to enhance learning at home for your child's well-being and learning growth.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you mean by "viewing" and "representing"?

How can I help my child (even if I don’t speak French)?