English Language Arts – Immersion

Dialogue and reflexivity are the preferred approaches for learning language arts and they are foundational to the curriculum’s aim and goals. Learners are encouraged to think, to explore, and to dialogue spontaneously with teachers and with peers. Such questioning leads to receptivity and to open-mindedness, whereby learners reflect more deeply on what they know and what others say. They take responsibility for substantiating together their own and others’ points of view, beliefs and values, and they develop habits of mind, both verbally and in writing, which will serve them throughout their lives.

Speaking and thinking together are the foundation for learning how to read and write.

Curricular Documents

The curriculum framework for ELA – Immersion (draft) reflects the reality of the French immersion program in Manitoba and the needs of its clientele. It presents the four big ideas (practices) that ground all teaching and learning in the ELA-Immersion course while describing how learners might adopt these practices at different times. The practices and the elements that characterize them are common across Grades 1 to 12.

Orientation Guide

Français arts langagiers – immersion, Kindergarten to Grade 12 and English Language Arts – Immersion, Grades 1 to 12 Language Arts Practices: Orientation Guide

This orientation guide  identifies principles for using dialogue and reflexivity (thinking together) as the preferred approaches for learning language arts and are foundational to the curriculum’s aim and goals.


English Language Arts ─ immersion curriculum documents from previous years.