Schools in Manitoba

Non-Funded Independent Schools


In Manitoba, there are two kinds of independent schools: Funded Independent Schools and Non-Funded Independent Schools. Funded Independent Schools implement provincially mandated curriculum, hire Manitoba certified teachers, and meet other provincial requirements. Non-Funded Independent Schools are not required to meet these conditions.

Reference to Non-Funded Independent Schools in The Public Schools Act

No person is guilty of an offence...for failing or refusing to ensure that his or her child attends school if
  1. the child is in regular attendance at a private school, as defined in The Education Administration Act;
  2. the field representative certifies that in his opinion the child is currently receiving a standard of education at home or elsewhere equivalent to that provided in a public school;
  3. the child is unable to attend school by reason of sickness or other unavoidable cause or is excluded from attendance under subsection 261(2);
  4. the child is absent from school on any day regarded as a holy day by the church or religious denomination with which the child is affiliated.

Schools in Manitoba

For a list of current non-funded independent schools in Manitoba, refer to the Schools in Manitoba book (see section on Non-Funded Independent Schools) or conduct a Schools in Manitoba Search.


Commonly Asked Question and Answers

What is the role of Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning in Non-Funded Independent Schools?

Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning monitors and supports Non-Funded Independent Schools to determine that children enrolled in these schools receive an education which is equivalent to that provided in a public school.

What are the main differences between a Funded Independent School and a Non-Funded Independent School?

A Funded Independent School must hire Manitoba certified teachers, implement the provincially mandated curriculum, and meet other provincial requirements. A Non-Funded Independent School is not required to meet these conditions.

What financial support is available for Non-Funded Independent Schools?

Non-Funded Independent Schools may request a $60 per student Curricular Materials Grant.

How does a group start a Non-Funded Independent School?

Individuals and groups interested in starting a Non-Funded Independent School are advised to contact the Independent and International Education Unit for detailed information. The space chosen for the school must be suitable for teaching and learning, safe, well-lit and has passed a building and fire inspection. The Non-Funded Independent School must be able to demonstrate concrete plans to deliver an education which is equivalent to that of a public school. Non-Funded Independent Schools are visited annually and must complete and return any forms required by Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning.

What is the role of the Liaisons for Non-Funded Independent Schools?

The Liaisons for Non-Funded Independent Schools determine that students in Non-Funded Schools receive an education which is equivalent to that of a public school. They provide support for administrators, may assist teachers to find books and materials which enhance the quality of education for the students, and may meet with Board members on request.


Non-Funded Independent Schools Contact

General Enquiries

Independent and International Education Unit
Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning
1567 Dublin Avenue
Winnipeg MB R3E 3J5
Phone: 204-945-7948; Toll free (within Manitoba): 1-800-282-8069, ext. 7948
Fax: 204-948-3870
