Independent Together: Supporting the Multilevel Community

Learning Community for Parents

Independent Learning

Differentiated instruction means meeting the learning needs and interests of each student so that she or he can be a successful learner. To help plan for student success, parents may share with the teacher the learner's strengths in a variety of "beyond the classroom" places. Learners, parents, and teachers work together to set learning goals and action plans to plan for developmentally appropriate learning experiences and strategies. Planning for learners with exceptional needs includes developing an individual education plan (IEP). Watch Video Clip (1.91 MB)

As parents, you learn about and support differentiated instruction when you

  • share assessment information on what you notice about your daughter or son at home and in the broader community
  • think about learning along a continuum of learning (for example, just as learning to walk and talk happens at different times, so, too, does school learning) View Picture
  • participate in planning for the next steps along the continuum of learning by assisting with goal setting and action planning View Word Document
  • model, support, and celebrate new learning at home with your son or daughter
  • guide your daughter or son in choosing a variety of ways to learn and to share new learning through art, music, drama, visiting websites, and so on View Word Document
  • celebrate the achievement of goals, and set new goals for learning View Word Document
  • collect materials (such as buttons, keys, bottle caps, bread tags, cartons, rocks, variety of art media) for mathematics, science, and art, and for discovery and hands-on learning in a collaborative classroom
  • ask the teacher why subjects are often integrated to improve student learning
  • notice that the classroom may look and sound different from your schooling because of new understandings about learning and teaching (for example, observe students working in a variety of groupings, choosing their own topics for investigation, using criteria View Word Document to self-assess their work, and so on) Watch Video Clip (862 KB) - Watch Video Clip (534 KB)
  • visit the classroom to see what differentiated instruction looks like, and assist in the learning of the class Watch Video Clip (825 KB)
  • ask your daughter or son to share her or his portfolio so that you can see evidence of learning over time Watch Video Clip (427 KB)