School Attendance

Information for Parents

Why Is It Important to Encourage Attendance Everyday?

Regular school attendance helps children to maximise the educational opportunities available to them, and prepares them to reach their full potential ensuring they acquire the skills to prepare them for their individual path beyond graduation.

Building good habits as early as pre-school, parents must take all measures to ensure their child/ren attend(s) school regularly.

Parents, caregivers, and students are all responsible for making sure students are on time and ready to learn.

Types of Absences

  • Excused Absence: refers to any time both the parent/caregiver and the school approves an absence. In some cases, documentation from the parent/caregiver may be required so that the school can excuse an absence. Examples include a note from a parent/caregiver or health care provider.
  • Unexcused Absence: refers to any time a student is not in class or participating in a school activity without approval by the parent/caregiver.
  • Chronically Absent or Chronic Absenteeism: refers to excessive absences of a student for any reason, whether excused or unexcused.

What Parents Can Do to Support Presence and Engagement at School

  • Talk to your child about the importance of going to school everyday.
  • Set an example of what good attendance looks like.
  • Help your child get organized for school the night before; encourage your child to keep a daily to-do list.
  • Have regular bed time and morning routines.
  • Follow personal health practices that reduce the risk of your child becoming ill and promote healthy lifestyle practices such as regular exercise.
  • Connect with your child's school early in the school year; establish a collaborative relationship with your child's teacher(s).
  • Get involved; join your child's school council and participate in school community events during and after school.
  • Be interested in your child's learning; ask questions, celebrate accomplishments.
  • Ensure the school has current contact information.
  • Avoid scheduling medical appointments and vacation when school is in session.