School Attendance

Resources for Parents

  1. Manitoba Parent Zone
  2. Healthy Schools – Information on a number of health topics that might be useful to parents.
  3. MAPC Manitoba Association of Parent Councils
    The Manitoba Association of Parent Councils (MAPC) is an organization of school-based parent groups throughout Manitoba. Most of those members are Parent Advisory Councils (PACs), Parent Councils, Advisory Councils for School Leadership (ACSL), and other parent committees from individual schools as well as individual members who do not currently participate in an active parent group in their community.
  4. Attendance Works
    Attendance Works is a United States national and state initiative that promotes better policy and practice around school attendance. They promote tracking chronic absence data for each student beginning in kindergarten, or ideally earlier, and partnering with families and community agencies to intervene when poor attendance is a problem for students or schools.
  5. Crisis Services - Klinic Crisis Line, Manitoba Suicide Line, Kids Help Phone, Crisis Services
  6. Directory of Youth Addictions Services in Manitoba
  7. Saskatchewan Prevention Institute
    The Prevention Institute promotes primary prevention by focusing on education, information services, research and evaluation, special projects, community capacity exchange, and communications.