MY CHILD IN SCHOOL – Informed Parent, Involved Parent



Grade 4 children learn about many different topics. They work on skills to think and communicate about what they are learning. The required subject areas are: arts education, English language arts, mathematics, physical education/health education, science, and social studies. Your child will have the chance to learn in many different ways – by themselves, with teachers and with other children.

ARTS EDUCATION: Dance, Drama, Music, and Visual Arts

Grade 3/ Grade 4 children explore ways to express themselves creatively and continue to develop skills and language in one or more of the arts education subjects. They discover answers to the questions "who", "where", "when", and "why" about the arts. They think about the importance and meaning of the arts in their own lives, in their communities, and around the world. Children learn to think critically and talk about their experiences with learning the arts.


English language arts learning develops over time and in different situations. Grade 4 is part of the grade band that begins in Grade 3 and ends in Grade 5.

Grade 4 children use language to investigate topics, issues, and questions based on their interests and life experiences, literature, and other curriculum areas. They use words, pictures, and their own experiences to understand different kinds of texts such as art, books, objects, websites, the land, and oral stories. They talk with others to develop ideas and use many strategies to help them think about and understand what they read, hear, and view. Children learn to create presentations that are clear and interesting for their listeners, readers, and viewers. They identify what they do well and areas they need to work on, and they set personal goals for learning.


Please ask your child`s teacher to find out if your child is learning French in Grade 4. French is not taught in all schools in Grade 4.

Grade 4 children begin to develop their ability to understand and speak French. They learn to understand French when it is spoken slowly and clearly by their teacher. They also learn to use basic vocabulary, simple sentences and correct pronunciation to talk about themselves and what they like, want and need.


Grade 4 children use objects, pictures and numbers to show and compare quantities up to 10 000 using different strategies. They continue to work on multiplication and division, including the recall of facts up to 5 x 5, and learn to add and subtract decimals. Children learn to read and record time, connect numbers and shapes to their everyday life, and explain patterns in charts and tables. They also solve problems with classmates and explain their strategies, using objects, pictures and equations.


Grade 4 children learn about living an active and healthy lifestyle. They participate in physical activities for fun and fitness and to demonstrate the ability to use basic movement skills. Children learn about making good choices for healthy eating, physical activity and safety and about ways to avoid and deal with dangerous situations. They learn how to communicate positively with others and to manage stressful situations.


Grade 4 children learn about sound and light and apply their knowledge of light and design process skills to make simple optical devices. Through investigations, they study influences that change habitats and affect plants and animals. A study of rocks and minerals introduces geology to the children.


Manitoba, Canada and the North: Places and Stories

Grade 4 children learn about Manitoba, Canada, and Canada's North. They explore the geography of Canada and develop an awareness of Canadian citizenship and government. Children study the places, stories and cultures of Manitoba and one Northern territory, and make connections between what they are learning and their responsibilities and rights as citizens.