
Grade 3 Science Learning Outcomes

Overall Skills and Attitudes
Growth and Changes in Plants
Materials and Structures
Forces That Attract or Repel
Soils in the Environment

Overall Skills and Attitudes
Specific Learning Outcomes General Learning Outcome Codes
3-0-1A Ask questions that lead to investigations of living things, objects, and events in the local environment. GLO: A1, C2, C5
3-0-1B Make predictions based on observed patterns, collected data, or data provided from other sources. GLO: A1, C2
3-0-1C Identify practical problems to solve in the local environment. GLO: C3
3-0-2A Access information using a variety of sources.
Examples: children's magazines, local farmers, CD-ROMs, Internet
3-0-2B Review information to determine its usefulness to research needs. GLO: C6, C8
3-0-3A Brainstorm, with the class, one or more methods of finding the answer to a given question and reach consensus on which method to implement. GLO: C2, C7
3-0-3B Identify, with the class, variables that have an impact on an investigation. GLO: A1, A2, C2, C7
3-0-3C Create, with the class, a plan to answer a given question. GLO: C2, C7
3-0-3D Brainstorm, in small groups, possible solutions to a practical problem, and reach consensus on which to implement. GLO: C3, C7
3-0-3E Create, in small groups, a written plan to solve a problem or meet a need.
Include: identify steps to follow, prepare a simple diagram.
GLO: C3, C7
3-0-3F Develop, in small groups, limited criteria to evaluate an object or device based on its function and aesthetics. GLO: C3, C7
3-0-4A Carry out a plan, and describe the steps followed. GLO: C2
3-0-4B Construct an object or device to solve a problem or meet a need. GLO: C3
3-0-4C Test an object or device with respect to pre-determined criteria. GLO: C3, C5
3-0-4D Identify and make improvements to an object or device, and explain the rationale for the changes. GLO: C3
3-0-4E Respond respectfully to the ideas and actions of others, and recognize their ideas and contributions. GLO: C5, C7
3-0-4F Assume roles and share responsibilities as group members. GLO: C7
3-0-4G Verbalize questions, ideas, and intentions during classroom-learning experiences. GLO: C6
3-0-4H Follow given safety procedures and rules, and explain why they are needed. GLO: C1
3-0-5A Make observations that are relevant to a specific question. GLO: A1, A2, C2
3-0-5B Use tools to observe, measure, and construct.
Include: ruler, meter stick, pan balance, magnifying glass, bathroom scale, thermometer, magnet
GLO: C2, C3, C5
3-0-5C Estimate and measure mass/weight, length, volume, and temperature using standard units. GLO: C2, C3, C5
3-0-5D Estimate and measure the passage of time using standard units.
Include: seconds, minutes, hours
GLO: C2, C3, C5
3-0-5E Record observations in a variety of ways.
Examples: point-form notes, sentences, simple diagrams, charts
GLO: C2, C6
3-0-6A Display data using more than one way to represent the same data. GLO: C2, C6
3-0-6B Discuss data and generate new questions from displayed data. GLO: A1, A2, C2, C5
3-0-6C Place materials and objects in a sequence or in groups using two or more attributes, and describe the system used. GLO: C2, C3, C5
3-0-7A Draw a simple conclusion based on their observations. GLO: A1, A2, C2
3-0-7B Explain why conclusions related to classroom experiments should be based on multiple trials or classroom data rather than on an individual result. GLO: A1, A2, C2
3-0-7C Identify new problems that arise. GLO: C3
3-0-7D Examine how new experiences, ideas, and information connect to prior knowledge and experiences, and record these connections. GLO: A2, C6
3-0-7E Communicate results and conclusions in a variety of ways.
Examples: point-form lists, sentences, simple diagrams, charts, demonstrations
3-0-8A Recognize that valid experiments normally have reproducible results, which may vary slightly. GLO: A1, A2, C2
3-0-8B Recognize that scientists develop explanations from observations and what they already know about the world, and that good explanations are based on evidence. GLO: A1, A2, C2
3-0-8C Recognize that designing a solution to a simple problem may have constraints, such as cost, materials, time, and space. GLO: B2, C3
3-0-9A Listen to and consider differing opinions. GLO: C5, C7
3-0-9B Express enjoyment when sharing and discussing science-related experiences from daily life. GLO: C5
3-0-9C Take the time to repeat a measurement or observation for greater precision or detail. GLO: C5

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Growth and Changes in Plants
Specific Learning Outcomes General Learning Outcome Codes
3-1-01 Use appropriate vocabulary related to their investigations of growth and changes in plants.
Include: growing medium, nutrient, energy, root, stem, leaf, flowers, pistil, stamen, ovule, pollen, seed, fruit, adaptation, life cycle
GLO: C6, D1
3-1-02 Observe, compare, and contrast the structure and appearance of several types of plants.
Examples: plants with different types of roots, trees with needles and trees with leaves
GLO: C2, D1, E1
3-1-03 Show respect for plants as living things. GLO: B5
3-1-04 Conduct experiments to determine conditions needed for healthy plant growth.
Include: light, water, air, space, warmth, growing medium, nutrients
GLO: A1, C2, C5, D1
3-1-05 Recognize that a plant uses the Sun's energy to make its own food. GLO: D1, D2, D4, E4
3-1-06 Use the design process to construct an environment that enhances plant growth.
Examples: window sill garden, terrarium, cold frames
GLO: A5, C3, C5, D1
3-1-07 Identify the basic parts of plants and describe their functions.
Include: roots, stems, leaves, flowers, pistil, stamen, ovule, pollen, seeds, fruit
GLO: D1, E2
3-1-08 Explain how different adaptations of plants help them survive in particular environments.
Examples: cacti have fleshy stems that store water, allowing them to survive in a dry environment; plants with tap roots can grow well in heavily compacted soil
GLO: D1, D2, E1
3-1-09 Identify plant adaptations that can be harmful to humans, and describe their effects.
Examples: rose thorns cause painful punctures, poison in rhubarb leaves can cause sickness and death
GLO: B3, C1, D1
3-1-10 Care for a flowering plant throughout its life cycle, tracking its growth, and its changes over time. GLO: B5, C5, D1, E3
3-1-11 Identify characteristics that remain constant and those that change throughout the life cycle of a flowering plant.
Examples: generally, for a given plant, the leaf shape and flower colour stay the same, whereas the leaf size and number of leaves change
GLO: D1, E3
3-1-12 Identify needs common to plants and animals, and contrast how they meet those needs. GLO: D1, E1
3-1-13 Describe ways that plants and animals depend on each other.
Examples: plants provide food and shelter for some animals, animals help distribute pollen and seeds
GLO: D2, E2
3-1-14 Describe ways plants are important to the environment.
Examples: improve soil, air, and water quality; reduce erosion
GLO: B5, D2
3-1-15 Identify and describe hobbies and jobs involving plants. GLO: B4
3-1-16 Identify how humans from various cultures use plant parts for food and medicine.
Examples: use of roots for food (carrots) and medicine (ginseng)
GLO: A4, B1, C5, E1
3-1-17 Investigate to determine how humans from various cultures make useful products from plant materials.
Examples: lumber milling, paper making, rope making, fabric making
GLO: A3, A4, B1
3-1-18 Explain how humans replenish the plants they use and the consequences if plants are not replenished.
Examples: after loggers harvest trees, new ones should be planted to ensure a future lumber supply
GLO: B1, B5, E3

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Materials and Structures
Specific Learning Outcomes General Learning Outcome Codes
3-2-01 Use appropriate vocabulary related to their investigations of materials and structures.
Include: strength, balance, stability, structure, frame structure, natural structure, human-built structure, force
GLO: C6, D3
3-2-02 Conduct experiments to compare the strength of common materials.
Examples: wooden toothpicks, plastic straws, paper, cardboard, polystyrene foam
GLO: A1, A2, C2, D3
3-2-03 Explore to determine ways to strengthen a material used for building.
Include: changing shape, bulk, and number of layers
GLO: B1, C2, D3
3-2-04 Explore to determine an appropriate method for joining two materials for a specific use. GLO: C2, D3
3-2-05 Recognize that balance affects the stability of a structure.
Examples: a domino tower that leans to one side is more likely to tip over than one that stands straight
3-2-06 Explore to determine ways to improve the strength and stability of a frame structure.
Examples: use of triangulation or a cross member
GLO: C2, D4, E2
3-2-07 Identify shapes that are part of natural and human-built structures from various cultures and describe how these shapes help to provide strength and stability.
Examples: cylinders, triangles, hexagons in outdoor playstructure, hexagons in a honeycomb
GLO: A4, D4, E2
3-2-08 Identify characteristics of materials that need to be considered when choosing materials for building structures.
Examples: strength, flexibility, durability, surface texture
3-2-09 Use the design process to build a structure that meets given criteria related to strength, stability, and function. GLO: A3, C3
3-2-10 Describe the effects of various forces on different structures.
Examples: bookshelf sagging under the mass/weight of books, tent blowing over in a storm
GLO: D4, E2
3-2-11 Evaluate simple structures to determine if they are safe and appropriate to the user.
Examples: classroom furniture
GLO: C1, C3, C4, D4
3-2-12 Investigate to identify hobbies and jobs related to construction, engineering, and architecture. GLO: B4
3-2-13 Identify various materials used in the construction of buildings in their community and in communities around the world. GLO: A4, B1, D3, E1

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Forces That Attract or Repel
Specific Learning Outcomes General Learning Outcome Codes
3-3-01 Use appropriate vocabulary related to their investigations of forces.
Include: force, attract, repel, gravity, magnet, magnetize, magnetism, north pole, south pole, magnetic field, compass, electrostatic charge, static electricity, electrostatic force
GLO: C6, D4
3-3-02 Recognize that force is a push or pull and that attraction and repulsion are types of pushes and pulls. GLO: D4
3-3-03 Describe evidence showing that objects and living things on or near Earth are pulled toward it by a force called gravity. GLO: A2, D4
3-3-04 Predict and test to identify materials that are attracted by magnets and those that can be magnetized. GLO: C2, C5, D3
3-3-05 Investigate to determine how to magnetize a given object.
Include: contact with another magnet, proximity to a magnet
GLO: C2, D4
3-3-06 Investigate to determine the location of poles on a magnet, and the shape of the magnetic field around a magnet. GLO: A1, C2, D4
3-3-07 Demonstrate that opposite poles attract and like poles repel. GLO: C2, D4
3-3-08 Explain why Earth can be compared to a giant magnet.
Include: Earth has a magnetic field with poles adjacent to the geographic poles
GLO: D4, E1, E2
3-3-09 Demonstrate and explain how a compass operates by magnetism.
Include: Earth's magnetic pole attracts the magnetic needle of a compass
GLO: B1, D4
3-3-10 Describe potentially harmful effects of magnets on magnetized materials.
Examples: computers, videos, credit cards
GLO: B1, C1, D4
3-3-11 Describe and demonstrate ways to use everyday materials to produce electrostatic charges.
Examples: rubbing feet on carpet, brushing hair, rubbing a balloon on clothes
3-3-12 Investigate to determine how electrostatically charged materials interact with each other and with uncharged materials.
Include: charged materials attract or repel each other, charged materials attract uncharged materials
GLO: A2, C2, D4
3-3-13 Identify ways in which problems associated with static electricity can be avoided or eliminated.
Examples: staying indoors when there is a lightning storm, grounding yourself before using computers, avoiding shuffling your feet on carpets
GLO: B1, C1, D4
3-3-14 Investigate to determine the change in magnetic and electrostatic forces at different distances. GLO: C2, D4
3-3-15 Predict and test to determine the effect of placing materials between a magnet and an attracted object and between charged objects.
Examples: different thicknesses of paper, glass, water, metal
GLO: C2, C5, D4
3-3-16 Recognize that gravitational, magnetic, and electrostatic forces can move certain objects without touching them directly. GLO: D4
3-3-17 Distinguish between motion that is caused without contact and that which is caused by contact. GLO: D4
3-3-18 Identify devices that use gravitational, magnetic, or electrostatic forces.
Examples: balances, magnetic cupboard latches, dust mops
GLO: B1, D4
3-3-19 Use the design process to construct a game, toy, or useful device that uses gravitational, magnetic, or electrostatic forces. GLO: C3, C5

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Soils in the Environment
Specific Learning Outcomes General Learning Outcome Codes
3-4-01 Use appropriate vocabulary related to their investigations of soils in the environment.
Include: soil, soil component, loam, clay, sand, pebbles, organic matter, humus, rocks, sedimentation, sieving, water-holding capacity
GLO: C6, D5
3-4-02 Identify and describe various components within a sample of soil from the local environment.
Examples: clay, loam, sand, pebbles, organic matter, humus, rocks
3-4-03 Explore to determine ways to separate soil components.
Include: sedimentation and sieving techniques
GLO: C2, D5
3-4-04 Describe and compare components of soil samples collected at different locations and depths. GLO: D5, E1
3-4-05 Compare the water-holding capacity of different soils.
Examples: sandy soil retains far less water than loamy soil
GLO: D3, D5, E1
3-4-06 Describe the effect of water on different soils.
Examples: texture, cohesion, ability to hold shape
GLO: D3, D5
3-4-07 Conduct experiments to determine how different soils affect the growth of plants.
Examples: compare the same type of plant grown in sand versus potting soil
GLO: A1, A2, C2, D2
3-4-08 Explain the importance of understanding the characteristics of different soils.
Examples: enables farmers to determine which crops can be grown in a particular area, enables gardeners to improve plant growth, enables engineers to know what types of foundations to set for structures
GLO: A5, B1, B5, E2
3-4-09 Identify animals found in soil and explain their importance to soil quality.
Examples: worms, insects, and mammals help to aerate the soil or increase nutrients
GLO: B5, D2
3-4-10 Describe ways to return organic matter to the soil.
Examples: composting, spreading manure on fields
GLO: B1, B5, D2, D5
3-4-11 Use the design process to construct a simple composter that returns organic matter to the soil
Examples: classroom composter for left-over food, school composter for grass clippings and leaves
GLO: B1, B5, C3, D2
3-4-12 Investigate how humans from various cultures use earth materials to make objects.
Examples: clay pots, sod houses, adobe bricks, glass
GLO: A4, B1, B4

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