Senior 1 English Language Arts: A Foundation for Implementation

Implementation Overview: Senior 1

The Implementation Overview includes the following sections:

The Senior 1 Learner and the Learning Environment identifies characteristics of the Senior 1 learner and their implications for teachers, and discusses ways of fostering a will to learn and creating a stimulating learning environment.

Language Learning discusses the instruction and use of the six language arts: listening and speaking, reading and writing, and viewing and representing.

English Language Arts Instruction discusses three phases of learning (activating, acquiring, and applying), promotes strategic learning, and suggests a variety of instructional approaches and methods.

English Language Arts Classroom Assessment addresses the cycle of planning, teaching, and assessing, emphasizes planning for assessment, identifies assessment purposes and audiences, highlights characteristics of effective assessment, and offers suggestions for managing classroom assessment.

Planning with Learning Outcomes provides assistance in reading student learning outcomes and discusses approaches to planning with outcomes.