The new Manitoba Framework for Learning website establishes a single access point for curriculum and curriculum implementation resources, as well as assessment, evaluation and reporting policy and resources for all four provincial programs. Please view the informational video to familiarize yourself with the new website and the Manitoba Framework for Learning.
A Comprehensive Approach to Reading Instruction
Guiding Principles for A Comprehensive Approach to Reading Instruction in Manitoba (2023) ( 240 KB) articulates the guiding principles to reading instruction, acknowledges the role of the classroom teacher, and places students at the centre of all teaching and learning.
More Information
Developed in response to engagement with school division leaders and stakeholders, the guidelines are foundational to all of the work underway within the department and the system, as collectively we continue to respond to the recommendations of the Commission on K to 12 Education, which includes the implementation of Early Years assessments; the addition of learning outcomes to the English Language Arts curriculum; the development of provincial reading, writing and oral language progressions; and expanded access to clinical assessment tools.
- Anglais
- Arts Education
- Career Development
- Diversity Education
- Education for Sustainable Development
- English as an Additional Language
- English Language Arts
- English Language Arts – Immersion
- Français arts langagiers – immersion
- French (English Program)
- Indigenous Education
- Information and Communication Technology
- International and Heritage Languages
- Mathematics
- Physical Education/Health Education
- Psychology
- Science
- Social Studies
- Sustainable Tourism
- Technology Education
For available subjects taught in French in the French Immersion and Français Programs, please consult Programmes d’études, maternelle à la 12e année.
For English programming, please contact:
Learning and Outcomes Branch
For Français and French Immersion programs, please contact:
Bureau de l’éducation française
For Senior Years Technology programming, please contact:
Learning and Outcomes Branch
- Applied Commerce Education
- Curriculum Essentials
- Engaging Middle Years Students in Learning
- Independent Together: Supporting the Multilevel Learning Community
- Middle Years Education in Manitoba: Improving Student Engagement
- Middle Years Education in Manitoba: Grades 5 to 8 Students at the Centre (Brochure)
- My Child in School
- Online Resources for Manitoba Educators