
Grade 7 Science Learning Outcomes

Overall Skills and Attitudes
Interactions Within Ecosystems
Particle Theory of Matter
Forces and Structures
Earth's Crust

Overall Skills and Attitudes
Specific Learning Outcomes General Learning Outcome Codes
7-0-1A Formulate specific questions that lead to investigations.
Include: rephrase questions to a testable form, focus research questions
GLO: A1, C2
7-0-1B Select and justify a method to be used in finding the answer to a specific question. GLO: C2
7-0-1C Identify practical problems to solve.
Examples: How can I make my soup hot? Which sunscreen should I buy?
7-0-1D Select and justify a method to be used in finding a solution to a practical problem. GLO: C3
7-0-2A Access information using a variety of sources.
Examples: libraries, magazines, community resource people, outdoor experiences, videos, CD-ROMS, Internet
7-0-2B Evaluated the usefulness, currency, and reliability of information using pre-determined criteria. GLO: C6, C8
7-0-2C Make notes using headings and subheadings or graphic organizers appropriate to a topic and reference sources. GLO: C6
7-0-3A Formulate a prediction/hypothesis that identifies a cause and effect relationship between the dependent and independent variables. GLO: A2, C2
7-0-3C Create a written plan to answer a specific question.
Include: apparatus, materials, safety considerations, steps to follow, and variables to control
GLO: C1, C2
7-0-3D Develop criteria to evaluate a prototype or consumer product.
Include: function, aesthetics, environmental considerations, cost, efficiency
7-0-3E Create a written plan to solve a problem.
Include: materials, safety considerations, three-dimensional sketches, steps to follow
GLO: C1, C3, C6
7-0-4A Carry out procedures that comprise a fair test.
Include: controlling variables, repeating experiments to increase accuracy and reliability of results
7-0-4B Construct a prototype. GLO: C3
7-0-4C Work cooperatively with group members to carry out a plan, and troubleshoot problems as they arise. GLO: C7
7-0-4D Assume various roles to achieve group goals. GLO: C7
7-0-4E Demonstrate work habits that ensure personal safety and the safety of others and consideration for the environment.
Include: keeping an uncluttered workspace, putting equipment away after its use, handling glassware with care, wearing goggles when required, disposing of materials in a safe and responsible manner
7-0-4F Identify WHMIS hazard symbols that provide information on the safety of substances. GLO: C1
7-0-5A Make observations that are relevant to a specific question. GLO: A1, A2, C2
7-0-5B Test a prototype or consumer product with respect to pre-determined criteria. GLO: C3, C5
7-0-5C Select and use tools to observe, measure, and construct.
Include: microscopes, a variety of thermometers, graduated cylinders, glassware, balance
GLO: C2, C3, C5
7-0-5D Use conversions among commonly used SI units. GLO: C2, C3
7-0-5E Estimate and measure accurately using SI and other standard units.
Include: determining volume by displacement of water
GLO: C2, C5
7-0-5F Record, compile and display observations and data using an appropriate format. GLO: C2, C6
7-0-6A Construct graphs to display data, and interpret and evaluate these and other graphs.
Examples: frequency tallies, histograms, double-bar graphs, stem-and-leaf plots
GLO: C2, C6
7-0-6B Interpret pattern and trends in data, and infer and explain relationships. GLO: A1, A2, C2, C5
7-0-6C Identify strengths and weaknesses of different methods of collecting and displaying data and potential sources of error. GLO: A1, A2, C2, C5
7-0-6D Identify and make improvements to a prototype and explain the rationale for the changes. GLO: C3, C4
7-0-6E Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of a consumer product based on pre-determined criteria. GLO: C3, C4
7-0-6F Identify how the original plan evolved and justify the changes. GLO: C2, C3
7-0-7A Draw a conclusion that explains investigation results.
Include: explaining the cause and effect relationship between the dependent and independent variables; identifying alternative explanations for observations; supporting or rejecting a prediction/hypothesis
GLO: A1, A2, C2
7-0-7B Critically evaluate conclusions, basing arguments on fact rather than opinion. GLO: C2, C4
7-0-7C Identify a new prediction/hypothesis based on results of investigations. GLO: A1, C2
7-0-7D Propose and justify a solution to the initial problem. GLO: C3
7-0-7E Identify new practical problems to solve. GLO: C3
7-0-7F Reflect on prior knowledge and experiences to construct new understanding and apply this new knowledge in other contexts. GLO: A2, C4
7-0-7G Communicate methods, results, conclusions, and new knowledge in a variety of ways.
Examples: oral, written, multi-media presentations
7-0-7H Identify and evaluate potential applications of investigation results. GLO: C4
7-0-8A Distinguish between science and technology.
Include: purpose, procedures, products
7-0-8B Describe examples of how scientific knowledge has evolved in light of new evidence, and the role of technology in this evolution. GLO: A2, A5, B1
7-0-8D Describe examples of how technologies have evolved over time in response to changing needs and scientific advances. GLO: A5, B1, B2
7-0-8E Provide examples of Canadian institutions that have contributed to science and technology and describe their contributions. GLO: A1, A4, B1, B4
7-0-8F Relate personal activities to specific science disciplines. GLO: A1, B4
7-0-8G Discuss societal, environmental, and economic impacts of scientific and technological endeavours.
Include: local and global impacts
GLO: A1, B1, B3, B5
7-0-9A Appreciate and respect that science has evolved from different views held by women and men from a variety of societies and cultural backgrounds. GLO: A4
7-0-9B Express interest in a broad scope of science and technology-related fields and issues. GLO: B4
7-0-9C Demonstrate confidence in their ability to carry out investigations in science and technology. GLO: C5
7-0-9D Value skepticism, accuracy, precision, and open-mindedness as scientific and technological habits of mind. GLO: C5
7-0-9E Be sensitive and responsible in maintaining a balance between the needs of humans and a sustainable environment. GLO: B5
7-0-9F Consider the cause and effects relationships of actions and decisions. GLO: B5, C4, E3

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Interactions Within Ecosystems
Specific Learning Outcomes General Learning Outcome Codes
7-1-01 Use appropriate vocabulary related to their investigations of interactions within ecosystems.
Include: ecosystem, biosphere, abiotic, biotic, organisms, ecological succession, photosynthesis, cellular respiration, ecological pyramid, bioaccumulation, scavengers, decomposers, micro-organisms
GLO: C6, D2
7-1-02 Define ecosystem, and describe various examples that range from the microscopic to the entire biosphere.
Include: a place on Earth where living things interact with other living things as well as non-living things
GLO: D2, E2
7-1-03 Identify abiotic and biotic components of ecosystems that allow particular organisms to survive. GLO: D1, D2, E2
7-1-04 Describe ecological succession and identify signs of succession in a variety of ecosystems.
Include: the natural process whereby some species are replaced by other species in a predictable pattern
GLO: D2, E2, E3
7-1-05 Identify and describe positive and negative examples of human interventions that have an impact on ecological succession or the makeup of ecosystems.
Examples: positive - protecting habitats, reintroducing species; negative - preventing natural fires, introducing non-indigenous species, draining wetlands for agriculture or housing
GLO: B5, D2, E2, E3
7-1-06 Identify environmental, social, and economic factors that should be considered in the management and preservation of ecosystems.
Examples: habitat preservation, recreation, employment, industrial growth, resource development
GLO: B1, B5, D2, E2
7-1-07 Propose a course of action to protect the habitat of a particular organism within an ecosystem.
Examples: protect the nesting habitat of a given bird in a local wetland
GLO: B5, C3, D2, E2
7-1-08 Compare photosynthesis to cellular respiration, and explain how both are part of the cycling of matter and the transfer of energy in ecosystems.
Include: photosynthesis: water + carbon dioxide + light energy = sugar + oxygen in the presence of chlorophyll; cellular respiration: sugar + oxygen = water + carbon dioxide + energy
GLO: A2, C6, D2, E4
7-1-09 Analyze food webs, using ecological pyramids, to show energy gained or lost at various consumer levels.
Include: producers; primary, secondary, and tertiary consumers
GLO: C2, C8, D2, E4
7-1-10 Analyze, using ecological pyramids, the implications of the loss of producers and consumers to the transfer of energy within an ecosystem. GLO: C2, C8, D2, E4
7-1-11 Explain, using ecological pyramids, the potential for bioaccumulation within an ecosystem. GLO: D2, E2, E4
7-1-12 Provide examples of scavengers and decomposers, and describe their role in cycling matter in an ecosystem.
Include: micro-organisms
GLO: D2, E1, E2, E3
7-1-13 Demonstrate proper use and care of the microscope to observe micro-organisms.
Include: preparing wet mounts beginning with the least powerful lens; focussing; drawing specimens; indicating magnification
GLO: C1, C2, C7
7-1-14 Identify benefical and harmful roles played by micro-organisms.
Examples: benefical - aids in digestion, composting, food and vaccine production; harmful - causes disease, food spoilage
GLO: B3, C2, D2
7-1-15 Research and describe human food production or preservation techniques that apply a knowledge of micro-organisms.
Examples: bread and yogurt making, food drying, sterilization, refrigeration
GLO: A5, B2, B3, D1

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Particle Theory of Matter
Specific Learning Outcomes General Learning Outcome Codes
7-2-01 Use appropriate vocabulary related to their investigations of the particle theory of matter.
Include: boiling and melting points, pure substance, scientific theory, particle theory of matter, temperature, heat, conduction, convection, radiation, mixture, solution, mechanical mixture, homogeneous heterogeneous, solutes, solvents, solubility, concentration, dilute, concentrated, saturated, unsaturated, terms related to forms of energy
GLO: C6, D3, E4
7-2-02 Evaluate different types of thermometers using the design process.
Examples: materials used, range, sensitivity, durability, scale, cost
GLO: C1, C3
7-2-03 Demonstrate the effects of heating and cooling on the volume of solids, liquids, and gases, and give examples from daily life. GLO: A2, C1, D3, E4
7-2-04 Compare the boiling and melting points of a variety of substances and recognize that boiling and melting points are properties of pure substances.
Include: water
GLO: C2, D3, E3, E4
7-2-05 Explain what scientific theories are, and provide some examples.
Include: a scientific theory helps to explain an observation; when this explanation has been repeatedly tested and shown to be consistent it is generally accepted in the scientific world
GLO: A1, A2
7-2-06 Describe the particle theory of matter and use it to explain changes of state. GLO: A2, C6, D3, D4
7-2-07 Differentiate between the concept of temperature and the concept of heat. GLO: D3, D4, E4
7-2-08 Demonstrate how heat can be transmitted through solids, liquids, and gases.
Include: conduction, convection, radiation
GLO: C1, D3, D4, E4
7-2-09 Plan an experiment to identify materials that are good heat insulators and good heat conductors, and describe some uses of these materials. GLO: B1, D3, D4
7-2-10 Use the design process to construct a prototype that controls the transfer of heat energy.
Examples: insulated lunch bag, solar oven, home insulation
GLO: A5, B2, C3, C4
7-2-11 Recognize that heat energy is the most common by-product of energy transformations, and describe some examples.
Examples: thermal pollution, body heat, friction
GLO: B1, D4, E4
7-2-12 Identify different forms of energy that can be transformed into heat energy.
Include: mechanical, chemical, nuclear, electrical
GLO: D4, E4
7-2-13 Differentiate between pure substances and mixtures by using the particle theory of matter.
Include: a pure substance is made up of one type of particle; a mixture is made up of two or more types of particles
GLO: A2, D3, E1
7-2-14 Differentiate between the two types of mixtures, solutions and mechanical mixtures.
Include: solutions - homogeneous; mechanical mixtures - heterogeneous mixtures
GLO: D3, E1
7-2-15 Classify a variety of substances used in daily life as pure substances, solutions, or mechanical mixtures.
Examples: distilled water, paint thinner, mouthwash, peanut butter, liquid soap, medicines, sunscreens
GLO: B1, E1
7-2-16 Identify solutes and solvents in common solid, liquid, and gaseous solutions. GLO: D3
7-2-17 Describe solutions by using the particle theory of matter.
Include: particles have an attraction for each other; the attraction between the particles of solute and solvent keeps them in solution
GLO: A1, D3, E1
7-2-18 Demonstrate different methods of separating the components of both solutions and mechanical mixtures.
Examples: distillation, chromatography, evaporation, sieving, dissolving, filtration, decanting, magnetism, sedimentation
GLO: C1, C2
7-2-19 Identify a separation technique used in industry, and explain why it is appropriate. GLO: B1, C4
7-2-20 Experiment to determine factors that affect solubility.
Include: agitation, surface area, temperature
GLO: C2, D3
7-2-21 Describe the concentration of a solution in qualitative and quantitative terms, and give examples from daily life when the concentration of a solution influences its usefulness.
Include: dilute, concentrated, grams of solute per 100 mL
GLO: C6, D3
7-2-22 Demonstrate the difference between saturated and unsaturated solutions. GLO: C2, C6, D3
7-2-23 Discuss the potential harmful effects of some substances on the environment, and identify methods to ensure their safe use and disposal.
Examples: pollution of groundwater from improper disposal of paints and solvents; pollution of the atmosphere by car exhaust
GLO: B1, B3, B5, C1

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Forces and Structures
Specific Learning Outcomes General Learning Outcome Codes
7-3-01 Use appropriate vocabulary related to their investigations of forces and structures.
Include: frame, shell, solid, centre of gravity, stability, compression, tension, shear, torsion, internal and external forces, stress, structural fatigue, structural failure, load, magnitude, point and plane of application, efficiency.
GLO: C6, D4
7-3-02 Classify natural and human-built structures found locally and around the world.
Include: frame, shell, solid
7-3-03 Identify the centre of gravity in a model structure, and demonstrate that changes in the location of a structure's centre of gravity affect its stability. GLO: C1, D4
7-3-04 Identify internal forces acting on a structure, and describe them using diagrams
Examples: compression, tension, shear, torsion
GLO: D4, E4
7-3-05 Identify external forces acting of a structure, and describe them using diagrams
Examples: snow on a rooftop, wind on a tent, water against a beaver dam
GLO: C6, D4, E4
7-3-06 Recognize that internal and external forces apply stress to structures, and describe examples in which this stress has led to structual fatigue or structural failure. GLO: D4, E3
7-3-07 Investigate to determine that the effect of a force on a structure depends on its magnitude, direction, and point and plane of application. GLO: D4
7-3-08 Describe, using diagrams, how common structural shapes and components can increase the strength and stability of a structure.
Examples: a triangle distributes the downward force of a load evenly between its two vertices
GLO: C6, D3, D4
7-3-09 Describe and demonstrate methods to increase the strength of materials
Examples: corrugation of surfaces, lamination of adjacent members, alteration of the shape of components
GLO: C2, C3, D3, E3
7-3-10 Determine the efficiency of a structure by comparing its mass with the mass of the load it supports. GLO: C1, C5
7-3-11 Evaluate a structure to determine the appropriateness of its design, using the design process.
Examples: jacket, foot stool, local building
GLO: C3, C4, C8, D4
7-3-12 Use the design process to construct a structure that will withstand the application of an external force.
Examples: a tower that will remain standing during a simulated earthquake
GLO: C3, D3, D4

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Earth's Crust
Specific Learning Outcomes General Learning Outcome Codes
7-4-01 Use appropriate vocabulary related to their investigations of the Earth's crust.
Include: crust, mantle, outer core, inner core, weathering (physical, biological and chemical) , erosion, rock cycle, fossil fuel, geothermal energy, continental drift theory, theory of plate tectonics
GLO: C6, D5
7-4-02 Describe the Earth's structure.
Include: crust, mantle, outer core, inner core
GLO: C6, D5
7-4-03 Describe the geological processes involved in rock and mineral formation, and classify rocks and minerals by their method of formation. GLO: D3, D5, E3
7-4-04 Investigate and describe the processes of weathering and erosion, and recognize that they cause changes in the landscape over time.
Include: physical, biological, and chemical weathering
GLO: D3, D5, E3
7-4-05 Explain how rocks on the Earth constantly undergo a slow process of change through the rock cycle. GLO: D5, E3
7-4-06 Identify geologic resources that are used by humans as sources of energy, and describe their method of formation.
Include: fossil fuels, geothermal energy
GLO: D4, D5, E3
7-4-07 Identify geologic resources that are present in Manitoba and Canada, and describe the processes involved in their location, extraction, processing, and recycling.
Include: fossil fuels, minerals
GLO: A5, B5, D3, D5
7-4-08 Identify environmental impacts of geological resource extraction, and describe techniques used to address these. GLO: B1, B5, C1, C3
7-4-09 Recognize that soil is a natural resource, and explain how the characteristics of soil determine its use. GLO: D5, E1
7-4-10 Describe methods used to control soil erosion, and recognize the importance of soil conservation.
Examples: economically important to the agri-food industry, important for controlling the flow of water, necessary for plant growth.
GLO: A5, B2, B5, E3
7-4-11 Identify environmental, social, and economic factors that should be considered in making informed decisions about land use. GLO: B1, B5, D5
7-4-12 Describe evidence used to support the continental drift theory and explain why this theory was not generally accepted by scientists. GLO: A1, A2, A4, D5
7-4-13 Describe evidence used to support the theory of plate tectonics, the role technology has played in the development of this theory, and reasons why it is generally accepted by scientists. GLO: A1, A2, A5, D5
7-4-14 Explain geological processes and events using the theory of plate tectonics.
Include: mountain formation, earthquakes, volcanoes
GLO: A1, A2, D5, E3
7-4-15 Identify specialized careers involving the study of the Earth's crust or the utilization of geological resources, and give examples of technologies used in each.
Examples: geophysicist, seismologist, volcanologist, farmer
GLO: A5, B4

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