a teacher and graduate shake hands Achievement of Indigenous Students

Ensure that every principal takes concrete actions to improve the achievement of Indigenous students and includes improvements as part of their annual school plans.

The Commitment

School division/district leadership—including, but not limited to, superintendents, assistant superintendents, and school board members—will come together to assess the progress their school division/district has made toward exemplifying an inclusive school community. This assessment will help to identify priority areas for funding, professional learning, and policy development, as well as provide a vehicle for reporting school division/district progress toward an Indigenous-inclusive education system.

What This Means for Manitobans

Mamàhtawisiwin: The Wonder We Are Born With—An Indigenous Education Policy Framework represents the provincial policy directive and conceptual framework to inform and guide Manitoba along the path to an Indigenous-inclusive education system. The four mutually supportive strategies identified for Mamàhtawisiwin are:

  • authentic involvement
  • putting students at the centre
  • understanding world views, values, identities, traditions, and contemporary lifestyles
  • inclusive and culturally safe learning environment

Aligned with each of these strategies are specific actions that provide guidance for all educational partners/stakeholders by describing what an Indigenous-inclusive education system could look like in Manitoba educational settings. If the learning environment has the conditions described in Mamàhtwisiwin that reflect an Indigenous-inclusive setting, this will lead to improved well-being, academic success, and educational attainment for Indigenous students.

What We've Done

The contents of the Mamàhtawisiwin: Tools for Reflection, Planning and Reporting have been developed in collaboration with Elders/Knowledge Keepers and advisory councils.

Next Steps

Regional orientation sessions will be held with School Divisions and Districts on the Mamàhtawisiwin: Tools for Reflection, Planning and Reporting

Advisory Bodies: Indigenous Inclusion Directorate Advisory Council
