Annual Report 2016-2017
Education and Training
This Annual Report is organized in accordance with the appropriation structure for Manitoba Education and Training. The report includes information at the main and sub-appropriation levels relating to the Department's objectives, and actual results achieved. Financial performance information is provided with expenditure and revenue variance explanations, and a five-year adjusted historical table of staffing and expenditures.
This report and specific sections are available for download as PDF files.
Education and Training Annual Report 2016-2017 (3.97 MB)
Specific Sections:
Table of Contents (594 KB)
Preface (554 KB)
Préface (652 KB)
Organizational Chart (278 KB)
Part A - Operating Expenses (2.28 MB)
Part B - Capital Investment (905 KB)
Appendices (724 KB)
Manitoba Student Aid
The Manitoba Student Aid program is committed to ensuring that students in our province have the opportunity to develop their educational potential and prepare themselves for emerging opportunities in Manitoba and around the world. In order to achieve this, the Manitoba Student Aid Program mandate is to improve accessibility to post-secondary education by providing student loans, grants, and bursaries to eligible Manitoban residents. Assistance is based on an assessment of financial need which compares students' education and living costs with their available resources.
The Manitoba Student Aid Program is also responsible for the administration of the Canada Student Loans Program for eligible Manitoba residents, as well as the designation of educational institutions and programs for student financial aid purposes.
This report and specific sections are available for download as PDF files.
Manitoba Student Aid Annual Report 2016-2017 (406 KB)
Specific Sections:
Table of Contents (177 KB)
Introduction (75 KB)
Organization and Administration (77 KB)
Manitoba Student Aid Programs (98 KB)
Financial Information (98 KB)