Technology Education

Senior Years Technology Education Program

Grades 9 to 12 Esthetics
Manitoba Technical-Vocational Curriculum Framework of Outcomes

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Grades 9 to 12 Esthetics (1.3 MB)

Grades 9 to 12 Esthetics: Manitoba Technical-Vocational Curriculum Framework of Outcomes

Individual Courses:

Unit to Course Comparison (UCC) Forms
Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning has completed the following Unit to Course Comparison (UCC) Forms to assist schools in requesting accreditation from Apprenticeship Manitoba. The forms list where each Apprenticeship objective for Esthetician is found in Grades 9 – 12 Esthetics: Manitoba Technical-Vocational Curriculum Framework of Outcomes, along with the times for the objectives, which have been calculated, based on the Percent of Unit Mark, as found in the Apprenticeship Level 1 curriculum.