music language & performance skills

Music Language and Performance Skills (M-L4) »
Students demonstrate understanding of expression, timbre, and form in a variety of musical contexts.


Students who have achieved expectations for this grade are able to

Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4
explore and experiment with grade-appropriate elements of musical expression

K M-L4.1

use and identify grade-appropriate elements of musical expression

1-4 M-L4.1

Appendix B: Expression
demonstrate awareness of sounds in the natural world and explore and experiment with a variety of timbres in voice and instruments

K M-L4.2

describe characteristics of a wide variety of sounds
(include: sounds from the natural world and musical instruments)

1-2 M-L4.2

identify, describe, and classify a wide variety of sounds from the natural and constructed environment (e.g., instruments used by various cultures in Manitoba and countries around the world, orchestral instruments, electronic instruments and sound sources)

3-8 M-L4.2

Appendix C: Timbre
recognize, reproduce, and create musical patterns (e.g., same, different, repeated)

K M-L4.5

use, identify, and describe grade-appropriate musical forms

1-6 M-L4.5

Appendix D: Form


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Suggested Scope and Sequence of Key Concepts for Expression
Tempo Dynamics Articulation
Fast and slow
Becoming faster and becoming slower
Degrees of fast and slow
Tempo related to expression
Largo, andante, allegro
Ritardando and accelerando
A tempo
Loud and quiet
Becoming louder and becoming more quiet
Degrees of loud and soft
Crescendo and decrescendo
pp, p, mp, mf, f, ff
Dynamics related to expression
Detached vs. smooth
Legato and staccato